Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 5--RSS Feeds--Google Reader

I decided to go with Google Reader because I already had other accounts with Google. Setting up the account was easy. I decided to try some of their recommended bundles first, so I looked for ones that had something to do with the library and education. I also checked ones about cooking and religious sites. Then I had to figure out how to delete subscriptions so I wouldn't get so many I couldn't keep up with them.

Next, I decided to try to subscribe to something either through the RSS Feeds link on a website or by copying and pasting the address into Google Reader. I subscribed to the updates from and a favorite Christian site in this manner. On a separate account, I get updates from my fellow classmates' blogs. Didn't intend to have 2 accounts, but I forgot which email address I'd used and ended up with 2 accounts.

Another reason I chose Google Reader is because it does not deliver anything to my email address. Everything is sent to the reader, so I don't have to worry about having an overflowing mailbox.

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